Why You May Land In An Apartment You Hate

Real Estate Blog

If you are hunting for an apartment, be careful to avoid signing a lease for an apartment that you will end up hating. Here are some of the mistakes that can make you hate your new apartment:

You Didn't Research the Property Manager

The property manager, whether it is an individual or a company, is the entity that will be managing the property on a day-to-day basis. This is the party you will be dealing with when you have noise complaints to report or if your rent is going to be late due to unavoidable circumstances. It is also the party responsible for the maintenance of the property,

Imagine then finding that the property manager is usually unavailable, is unreasonable, or rarely responds to communications from tenants. You can avoid such nasty surprises by researching a property manager before moving into an apartment. You should be suspicious, for example, by a property manager with a reputation for illegal practices and who has faced or is facing multiple lawsuits form their clients.

You Ignored the Neighborhood

In as much as you want a roomy and accessible apartment with adequate parking, you should not just focus on the building itself. You should also evaluate the neighborhood and confirm that is suitable for your lifestyle. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a heavenly apartment in a hellish neighborhood. Imagine, for example, finding that the apartment is neighboring an industrial zone where all manner of pollution (noise and smoke) emanates every day. Or finding out that your neighborhood is so notorious for crime that you can't go jogging in the evening or morning, and jogging is how you exercise.

You Ignored "Hidden" Charges

Another blunder to watch out for when renting an apartment is that of ignoring hidden charges. Imagine moving into an apartment only to find that the storage and parking are charged separately, you have to pay regular pet fees, and there is a valet trash fee too. You can avoid such a surprise by asking about all the applicable fees before signing the lease.

You Skimmed Through the Lease Agreement

Lastly, you may also have a real problem on your hands if you don't read the lease agreement but just skimmed through it. Don't forget that the lease agreement is a legally binding contract that you agree to the moment you put your signature on it. Imagine then finding out that the rent payment due date is earlier than you usually get your money because you didn't read the contract.

Hopefully, you will be careful and you won't regret signing your lease. Consult a realtor like Pablo Saban "The Gold Coast Realtor" to help you with the process and increase your odds of landing a great apartment.


18 September 2018

Finding Amazing Pieces of Real Estate

When I started looking for a new home, I realized that there were a few things I needed to be careful about. For instance, I really needed to focus on finding a home that would appreciate in value, so I began thinking about investing in the right property. After quite a bit of research, I was able to find a great neighborhood that had a big support system for my family. After we found a house we loved, we worked with a real estate agent to procure it, and it was really nice to feel like we belonged somewhere. Read this blog about ways to find amazing pieces of real estate the first time around.